Sunday, March 9, 2014

Digital Footprint

What I Am Proud Of
Google my name and you will get past many pages before you'll find me. You won't find my Facebook, my Twitter, my LinkedIn, my Pintrest, my Instagram, or even a news article remotely related to me. Anyone who wants to find me is going to have to do some serious work, or will have to know a lot about me. I am proud to say that finding me online is difficult. In order for someone to actually find a picture of me, they would have to search for where I work during the summer and find the staff photo, and even then they would have to know what I looked like already since there are twenty-seven people in the photo.

What I Am Surprised To See
I was surprised to see that when I finally did find myself, I could get the location of my parents house. While it only showed an approximate location, there was an option to pay just under $4 to get my phone number, email, and parent's address. I was also surprised to see how many other people in the country (100+) shared my name. I knew that there were historical figures that shared my name, but I had no idea how many people in the states did as well.

What I Will Change
Nothing. The information that could be found was information from public records that I have no control over. Because of how many Google pages it took for me to find myself I am not worried about what others can see when they search me (I even had a friend search on their computer to see what came up). I am also aware that I have not been the subject of any news articles and that the pictures of me online do not put me in bad light. If a potential employer were to find me online, they would see me for who I am; a person who has some close friends, works at a summer camp, and whose favorite season is summer, and that's if they can find my Facebook profile. If they find my LinkedIn, they will get basically the same impression, minus the close friends and summer. They will find that I sell lotion to make some extra spending money, and have worked at camp under various job titles.

Digital Citizenship Prezi

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